Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 20th, 2014. "Corn Rain ", the 6th small Spring season arrives

    Happy Easter 2014.
    In 2014, the season of "Corn Rain" arrives on April 20th  11:08 am China time zone (+8). That is 11:08 pm Eastern Time (-5) on April 19th.

    Celestial longitude: 30 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

Saturday, April 5, 2014

April 5th, 2014. "Clear and Bright", the 5th small Spring season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Clear and Bright" arrives on April 5th  4:46 am China time zone (+8). That is 4:46 pm Eastern Time (-5) on April 4th.

      Celestial longitude: 15 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article.