Here are some additional information:
As the heart (pericardium) being the seasonal organ, summer time is the season to nourish the heart system. The taste of the heart system is bitterness. In the hot summer days, bitter taste can enter and balance the heart system. In TCM this is known as “lowering the heart fire with bitterness”. When the heart system is cooled down in the summer, our entire body will feel right. This is the general rule but since bitter foods are usually cold in nature as well, so they are not recommended for those who has stomach issue (especially cold related).
We love raw and cold food or drink in the summer as they make us feel cooled down and comfortable. But during early summer time as the weather and temperature has not stabilized yet, too much raw and cold will harm the digestion system and cause many related symptoms, especially for children and seniors. However, if we learn more about them and take them in the right way, these food and drink will then benefit us. First we need to know what are “raw” and “cold”. In general foods and drinks that are not cooked on fire are “raw”, such as fruit, vegetable, raw fish, raw meat and mineral water. Foods and drinks that have been stored in the refrigerator for a while, they are “cold” when being taken out of the refrigerator, such as leftover food, ice cream, cold drinks and yogurt. Here are some general tips about these foods and drinks.
- Young children should not take “cold”, but some “raw” is ok. Young children are high in Yang energy, this strong Yang energy can help children to process the “raw” food without harming the digestion system. But “cold” food holds more cold energy therefore the chance of the cold staying inside the system and harm the spleen and liver system is higher. But if after heavy outdoor activity then take some “cold” drink or food is ok as the cold will be released with the sweat.
- One common mistake we often make is to drink “cold” during meal. It feels refreshing but internally it will lower the temperature of the stomach. Low temperature cause reduction of the stomach acid secretion and this can cause digestion related issues like bloating and chronic stomach diseases. Also, as the acid level decrease, more bacteria can survive then enters the intestinal system and cause diarrhea, typhoid and enteritis.