Saturday, July 6, 2013

Excerpt from "Huang Di Nei Jing" about summer health preservation

    The following text is excerpted from <<Huang Di Nei Jing>>-"Su Wen", Chapter 2 : "Si Qi Tiao Shen Da Lun". Although it is short, it covers the core spirits of how to live healthily in the summer season.


Directly translated as:

"...The three months of Summer, they are mean to be blooming and expressing, the heaven and earth energy are mixed, everything is flowery and prosperous, go to bed late and get up early, don't be averse to the sun, allow no anger in your mind, like the flowers become luxuriant, allow the energy express freely, like the love is expressed, this is the way to preserve the energy of "grow" in the summer. If disobey the heart energy will be harmed, there will be malaria in the autumn, little harvest can happen and serious illness will show in the winter...".

    The key word for summer is "grow", and "express". After the "birth" energy from the spring, now it's time to allow everything to grow. Apparently the worst thing we can do to harm the summer energy is to "hold in" and "repress". 

"......The three months of Summer, they are mean to be blooming and expressing, the heaven and earth energy are mixed, everything is flowery and prosperous,...". This is a general description of summer energy showing in nature. Starting from early May (season of Beginning of Summer) in the Northern hemisphere , Yang energy gets stronger, heaven energy and earth energy starts to mix and interact, all plants start to grow faster and bloom. The entire summer picture is "prosperous" and "luxuriant".

" ...go to bed late and get up early...". The long day and short night in the hot summer helps everything to grow. In order to fit in and take advantage of this energy pattern, we shall be active, instead of sleeping in too much. Ideally, go to bed before midnight and get up when the sun rises.

"...don't be averse to the sun, ...". This is probably the most important point to keep in mind for our modern life style in the summer. As air conditioners have been installed almost anywhere we go, we are getting further and further away from the real natural summer heat. Additionally, with all the cold drinks and food being part of everyday life, everyone is somewhat, actively or passively, averse to the sun(heat).  Again, moderation is the key, no one should be over "heated" either. I'm sure most of us can realize how much natural heat we are getting in the summer and act accordingly. Remember, this is the best time to "recharge" yourself with some natural Yang energy.  So "get up early", go outdoor and be active, just as you wished in the cold winter time.

"... allow no anger in your mind, like the flowers become luxuriant, allow the energy express freely, like the love is expressed,...". This is the emotional aspect for summer. "Allow no anger" has two-way meaning here. First, the hot summer energy sometime can make people fretful and fidgety. And these feeling can easily cause anger. Our Yang energy will be "over consumed"  or "leaked out" if too much anger is being expressed. Secondly, on the other hand, if too much anger is repressed and held in, it will be against the "grow" and "express" energy in the summer. Therefore, train to keep a stable and balanced mind is another very important way to preserve our energy in the summer. Meanwhile, allow your love of everything to be "expressed freely", just "like the flowers become luxuriant".  In reality, we need to be active and let the summer heat help us to sweat and detox. Our internal Yang energy can be naturally adjusted through sweating and we can also feel comfortable and cooler after. However, if no sweat, the extra heat will be trapped internal, so are our physical and mental toxins, and this can be the cause of many heat related illness. In conclusion, to "let out and express" are "the way to preserve the energy of 'grow' in the summer".

"...If disobey the heart energy will be harmed, there will be malaria in the autumn, little harvest can happen and serious illness will show in the winter...". Heart-Small Intestine system, plus pericardium-Triple Warmer system, are the seasonal organ systems of summer. Any "damage" we create or get will harm these systems first. As a chain reaction, harmful energy we acquired in  the summer will continue to act in the following seasons. Malaria, or hot-cold feeling sickness show in the autumn and more severe illness may follow in the winter because of the damage of our Yang energy.

    Obviously, as usual, start to act now in the present season, create a good cycle. 

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