Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July 23rd, 2014. "Severe Heat", the 6th (last) small Summer season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Severe Heat" arrives on July 23rd 5:41 am China time zone (+8). That is 5:41 pm Eastern Time (-5) on July 22nd.

    Noticing we are entering the 2nd half of the energy pattern of the year. Please refers to section 4 for general information in this article.

    Celestial longitude: 120 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 7th, 2014. "Light Heat", the 5th small Summer season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Light Heat" arrives on July 7th  12:14 pm(noon time) China time zone (+8). That is 12:14 am (mid night) Eastern Time (-5) on July 7th.

    Celestial longitude: 105 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article