Sunday, December 19, 2021

December 21st, 2021, "Winter Solstice", the 4th small Winter season arrives

     In 2021, the season of "Winter Solstice" arrives on December 21st, 23:59 pm China time zone (+8). That is 10:59 am Eastern Time (-5) on December 21st.

    Celestial longitude: 270 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article.

    One of the key seasons of the year, Yin energy reaches its peak and starts to decrease. Yang energy starts to increase but still very weak. Protect it, enjoy your holidays "responsibly".

Saturday, December 4, 2021

December 7th, 2021. "Heavy Snow", the 3rd small winter season arrives

     In 2021, the season of "Heavy Snow" arrives on December 7th, 5:56am China time zone (+8). That is 4:56pm Eastern Time (-5) on December 6th .

    Celestial longitude: 255 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article.