Saturday, November 27, 2010

A "million dollar worth health secret" - foot bath

    Once upon a time, a filial son wanted to find a remedy to keep his parents healthy and long lived. Eventually he found another guy whose mother had lived over 100 years. The son paid a lot money bought this "longevity secret" from this guy. When he got home and open the "secret", it simply says "Keep the head cool and keep the feet warm."

    Not to speak if the story is true or not, the "longevity secret" in the story is true. Keep your head cooler than your feet is the key to increase and maintain a good energy circulation for the body, especially as the weather is getting colder.

    Buy a basin/pail/bucket that is big enough for you to put your feet in, fill it with hot water, it should be hotter than your usual standard but not burring. Bath your feet for about 10 minuted or till the water is getting cool. Some friends put salt in, you can too if you have any but it's not necessary. I know there are power feet washing equipments for sale, but going "old school" on this one definitely do better for you.

  It takes 10 minutes of your life everyday, do it before you go to bed. Keep it up and I'm sure you will make your 10 minutes worth a million.

A friend asked about the saying of "keep the head cool". It is correct only under normal circumstances, meaning when you are under normal condition, not sick, not just got out the shower with wet hair, not just worked out and sweaty. In these conditions, especially when your hair is wet or head is sweaty, you must cover them to prevent the wind harm.

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