Wednesday, December 8, 2010

what to eat to protect yourself from flu in winter?

    The key to resist flu is the human body's internal strength, AKA immune system. The vitality of immune system depends on right nutrient substance. Here is a simple list of things can help your immune system to stay strong and alive:

  1. Colorful fruits and vegetables.  Common things like grapefruit, orange, apple, tomato, carrot not only look good, they also contain antioxidants that protect your immune system from being damaged and strengthen your white blood cell functions. Meanwhile these food also contains lots of Vitamin C, which is a well known element that helps with defending and healing.
  2. High quality protein. When human is sick, the body needs a lot more energy to fight the illness, and meanwhile the immune system needs amino acids to repair itself. When virus attacks the body, the body will produce a lot antibodies which are actually protein. These protein will neutralize the infected cell therefore eliminate the pathogen and eventually clean it out of the body. Main sources for these protein are eggs, lean meat and bean products (tofu!)
  3. Vitamin E. This is proven by modern scientific researches. If you are already taking VE supplement then you should be in good shape on this one. But it's always better to acquire it from natural food such as almond, malt, and deep-green color vegetables.
  4. Garlic and onion. They don't smell good but we all know that they kills the bad guys. So it is up to your recipe to make them taste good too.
  5. Multi-vitamin. Immune system needs more than just one kind of vitamin, multi-vitamin will create a balanced state in the body, and there is no negative side effects. BUT this doesn't mean that they can replace regular food, as there are many other kinds of element in natural food that must be given by the universe and can never be artificially reproduced. 

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