Friday, December 19, 2014

December 22nd (21st), 2014, "Winter Solstice", the 4th small Winter season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Winter Solstice" arrives on December 22nd, 7:02 am China time zone (+8). That is 6:02 pm Eastern Time (-5) on December 21st.

    Celestial longitude: 270 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article.

    One of the key seasons of the year, Yin energy reaches its peak and starts to decrease. Yang energy starts to increase but still very weak. Protect it, enjoy your holidays "responsibly".

Saturday, December 6, 2014

December 7th, 2014. "Heavy Snow", the 3rd small winter season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Heavy Snow" arrives on December 7th, 1:04 pm China time zone (+8). That is 12:04 (0:04)am Eastern Time (-5) on December 7th .
    Celestial longitude: 255 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

November 22nd, 2014, "Light Snow", the 2nd small winter season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Light Snow" arrives on November 22nd 5:38 pm China time zone (+8). That is 4:38 pm Eastern Time (-5) on November 22nd.

    Celestial longitude: 240 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article.  

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 7th, 2014, "winter commences", the 1st small Winter season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Winter Commences" arrives on November 7th 8:06 pm China time zone (+8). That is 0:06 am Eastern Time (-5) on November 7th (late night on the 6th).

    Celestial longitude: 225 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article.  

    Also, please refresh yourself with general winter health preservation tips.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 23rd, 2014, "Hoar Frost", the 6th/last small Autumn season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Hoar Frost" arrives on October 23rd 7:57 pm China time zone (+8). That is 7:57 am Eastern Time (-5) on October 23rd.

    Celestial longitude: 210 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article.  

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 8th, 2014, "Cold Dew", the 5th small Autumn season arrives

  In 2014, the season of "Cold Dew" arrives on October 8th 4:47 pm China time zone (+8). That is 4:47 pm Eastern Time (-5) on October 8th.

    Celestial longitude: 195 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article.  (But please notice there are some information from previous years may not be applicable for this year).

Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 23rd, 2014, "Autumn Equinox", the 4th small Autumn season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Autumn Equinox" arrives on September 23rd 10:29 am China time zone (+8). That is 10:29 pm Eastern Time (-5) on September 22nd.

    Celestial longitude: 180 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 8th, 2014, "White Dew", the 3rd small Autumn season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "White Dew" arrives on September 8th 1:01 am China time zone (+8). That is 1:01 pm Eastern Time (-5) on September 7th.

    Celestial longitude: 165 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

    Fun facts: September 8th, August 15th in Chinese Lunar Calendar, is also the "mid-autumn festival day" (moon cake festival) this year. This is the earliest Mid-autumn day arrives since 1976, and this record will be broken in 2052, when it arrives on September 7th that year. Also last time when the "White Dew" met "mid-Autumn" was in 1957, next time when they fall on the same day will 2052, and next in 2071.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 23rd, 2014. "The End of Heat", the 2nd small Autumn season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "The End of Heat" arrives on August 23rd 12:45 pm China time zone (+8). That is 12:45 am Eastern Time (-5) on August 23rd.

    Celestial longitude: 150 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 7th, 2014. "Beginning of Autumn", the 1st small Autumn season arrives

   In 2014, the season of "Beginning of Autumn" arrives on August 7th 10:02 pm China time zone (+8). That is 10:02 am Eastern Time (-5) on August 7th.

    Celestial longitude: 135 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

    Also for general Autumn preservation tips please read this article.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July 23rd, 2014. "Severe Heat", the 6th (last) small Summer season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Severe Heat" arrives on July 23rd 5:41 am China time zone (+8). That is 5:41 pm Eastern Time (-5) on July 22nd.

    Noticing we are entering the 2nd half of the energy pattern of the year. Please refers to section 4 for general information in this article.

    Celestial longitude: 120 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 7th, 2014. "Light Heat", the 5th small Summer season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Light Heat" arrives on July 7th  12:14 pm(noon time) China time zone (+8). That is 12:14 am (mid night) Eastern Time (-5) on July 7th.

    Celestial longitude: 105 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

Friday, June 20, 2014

June 21st, 2014. "Summer Solstice", the 4th small Summer season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Summer Solstice" arrives on June 21st  6:51 pm China time zone (+8). That is 6:51 am Eastern Time (-5) on June 21st.

    Celestial longitude: 90 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

June 6th, 2014. "Grain in Ear", the 3rd small Summer season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Grain in Ear" arrives on June 6th  2:03 am China time zone (+8). That is 2:03 am Eastern Time (-5) on June 5th.

    Celestial longitude: 75 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 21st, 2014. "Grain Fills", the 2nd small Summer season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Grain Fills" arrives on May 21st  10:59 am China time zone (+8). That is 10:59 pm Eastern Time (-5) on May 20th.

    Celestial longitude: 60 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 5th, 2014. "Beginning of Summer", the 1st small Summer season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Beginning of Summer" arrives on May 5th  9:59 pm China time zone (+8). That is 9:59 am Eastern Time (-5) on May 5th.

    Celestial longitude: 45 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

    For general summer health preservation tips please read this article.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 20th, 2014. "Corn Rain ", the 6th small Spring season arrives

    Happy Easter 2014.
    In 2014, the season of "Corn Rain" arrives on April 20th  11:08 am China time zone (+8). That is 11:08 pm Eastern Time (-5) on April 19th.

    Celestial longitude: 30 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

Saturday, April 5, 2014

April 5th, 2014. "Clear and Bright", the 5th small Spring season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Clear and Bright" arrives on April 5th  4:46 am China time zone (+8). That is 4:46 pm Eastern Time (-5) on April 4th.

      Celestial longitude: 15 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

March 21st, 2014. "Spring equinox ", the 4th small Spring season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Spring equinox" arrives on March 21st  12:57 am (0:57, around midnight) China time zone (+8). That is 12:57 pm Eastern Time (-5 with day light saving) on March 20th.

    Celestial longitude: 0 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

Monday, March 3, 2014

March 6th, 2014. "Insects awaken", the 3rd small Spring season arrives

  In 2014, the season of "Insects awaken" arrives on March 6th  12:02 am China time zone (+8). That is 11:02 am Eastern Time (-5) on March 5th.

    Celestial longitude: 345 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

Energy pattern(Wu Yun Liu Qi 五運六氣) analysis for 2014 according to "Huangdi Neijing" and how to act accordingly

    As the global weather pattern has been surprising since earlier this year, many, include myself, is curious about what the energy pattern of 2014 will be. For readers who are new to this topic, please have a quick read on my 2012 article on the same topic that explains the concept (please only read the general information part as, obviously, the detail is different year to year).

    Again, this is not a weather forecast, and depends on where you live the description in this article may not apply (as the ancient document geographically is based on central mainland China).Like in the US since the beginning of 2014, when northeast area is beating Antarctic in cold and snow, west coast is having the opposite high and dry records. After all, the rule of thumb is that we should use ancient wisdom holistically and flexibly.

    So here we start:

Year: Earth damp (excessive)
First half: Young fire
Second half: Metal Dry
Tree wind;
Water cold
Young fire;
Tree wind
Old fire;
Young fire
Earth damp;
Earth damp
Metal dry;
Old fire
Water cold;
Metal dry

    2014’s main energy force is excessive earth energy (dampness), it indicates a rainy weather pattern. It can be long drizzle, or heavy storm. When dampness is over in human body it will affect the spleen-stomach system first, and main symptoms are poor digestion, bloated belly and water retention. The “Yellow Emperor’s Inner Cannon” describes the symptoms as “Illness is generally caused by water-fire fights in the middle-qi. Heat related illness shows in upper section; cold related illness shows in lower section; cold and heat battles in the middle; people starts to have symptoms like cough and pant, bleed, red eyes, canthus ulcer, stomach cold, heart pain, lower back pain, bloated belly, dry pharynx, and swollen.”

    The first half of the year is ruled by “young fire” energy and the second half of the year is ruled by “metal dry” energy. Combine with the main “earth damp” energy, there will be many humid and damp days.

    First section ( 1/20 – 3/21) “初之氣地氣遷、燥將去、寒乃始、蟄複藏水乃冰,霜複降,風乃至,陽氣鬱。民反周密,關節禁固,腰椎痛,炎暑將起,中外瘡瘍。
Main energy: Tree wind
Guest energy: Water cold
After a warm winter, temperature drops quickly. The Yang energy that was “leaked” during the warm winter starts to come inward, and because the external cold shuts the outer body (skin) quickly at the same time, people starts to have symptoms caused by internal heat and external cold, such as joint pain and lower back (spinal) pain. Near the end there will be skin breakout or sores.
Solution: Keep the external body warm and keep and internal body cool. Avoid lamb and chicken, eat more green vegetable and more bitter food and drinks. Use spices with strong aroma such as cilantro, pepper and mint.
Suggested taste (flavor): bitter, salty, spicy.

    Second section (3/21 – 5/21) “二之氣陽氣布,風乃行,春氣以正,萬物應榮,寒氣時至,民乃和。其病淋,目瞑目赤,氣郁於上而熱。
Main energy: Young fire
Guest energy: Tree wind
The temperature will rise very quickly, warm wind brings the blossom. Occasionally there will be “reversed spring cold” and it will not affect our outdoor activities. Symptoms may include dark and painful urine, dry and red eyes that are also sensitive to light. These are signs of uprising internal fire.
Solution: similar to last section, keep the internal energy cool.
Suggested taste (flavor): spicy, sour, sweet.

    Third section (5/21 – 7/23) “三之氣天政布,大火行,庶類蕃鮮,寒氣時至。民病氣厥心痛,寒熱更作,咳喘目赤。
Main energy: Old fire
Guest energy: young fire
Two fire energy added to the young fire energy from the first half of the year, this will be an extra hot section. But like everything else, when heat reaches its extreme cold will come back, so heavy storm will show and some cold energy will return. Symptoms include difficulty of breathing, cold hands and feet, chest pain and even heart pain. Some may show symptoms similar to malaria (feeling cold and hot back and forth while being sick), coughing and red eyes. Three fire energy combination is rare, this extreme heat will harm the heart system.
Solution: Protecting the heart system (both physical and metaphysical) is the key. Keep your mind and mood stable and mild is as important as keep your actual physical heart healthy. Many Chinese herbal prescriptions are designed for this kind of condition but without access to them, keep medication for emergency heart condition handy.
Suggested taste (flavor): salty, sweet, sour.

    Fourth section (7/23-9/23) “    四之氣溽暑至,大雨時行,寒熱互至。民病寒熱,嗌幹、黃癉、鼽衄、飲發。
Main energy: Earth damp
Guest energy: Earth damp
After three fire, now we will have three damp (combined with the year’s excessive damp energy), and this is the section when the main energy force will show. There may be flood and mudslide. Symptoms include heatstroke (hyperthermia), dry throat, aurigo (icterus) and nose bleed.
Solution: lower the dampness level inside and outside the body. Use a dehumidifier, eat lite, less soupy food, and avoid being too full.
Suggested taste (flavor): sweet, bitter.

    Fifth section (9/23 – 11/22) “五之氣畏火臨,暑反至,陽乃化,萬物乃生,乃長榮,民乃康。其病溫。
Main energy: Metal dry
Guest energy: Old fire
The second half of the year is also ruled by Metal dry energy, so we can guess that this section will be dry and hot. So the symptoms will also be dry-heat related, such as fever, dry cough, and dry hard skin.
Solution: Eat seasonal fruits, drink some oolong tea or/and chrysanthemum tea.  
Suggested taste (flavor): salty sweet, sour.

    Sixth section (11/22/2014 – 1/20/2015) “終之氣燥令行,餘火內格,腫於上,咳喘,甚則血溢。寒氣數舉,則霿霧翳, 病生皮腠,內舍於脅,下連少腹而作寒中,地將易也。
Main energy: Water cold
Guest energy: Metal dry
Again, with the Metal dry energy in the second half of the year, this will be a dry winter. Symptoms include internal heat, foggy vision, cold belly, asthma, cough and pant, and even hemoptysis (coughing blood).
Solution: Eat less or no dry and hot food include any deep fried, grilled and barbecued food.
Suggested taste (flavor): sour, spicy, bitter.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 19th, 2014. "rain water", the 2nd small Spring season arrives

  In 2014, the season of "Rain Water" arrives on February 19th  1:59 am China time zone (+8). That is 12:59pm Eastern Time (-5) on February 18th.

    Celestial longitude: 330 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 4th, 2014. "spring commences", the 1st small Spring season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Spring Commences" arrives on February 4th  6:03 am China time zone (+8). That is 5:03 pm Eastern Time (-5) on February 3rd.

    Noticing this year Spring comes after Chinese New Year day (January 31st).

    Celestial longitude: 315 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 20th, 2014, "Severe Cold", the 6th small Winter season,last small season of the year, arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Severe Cold" arrives on January 20th  11:51am China time zone (+8). That is 10:51 pm Eastern Time (-5) on January 19th.

    Celestial longitude: 300 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article

Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 5th, 2014, "Moderate Cold", the 5th small Winter season arrives

    In 2014, the season of "Moderate Cold" arrives on January 5th  6:24 pm China time zone (+8). That is 5:24 am Eastern Time (-5) on January 5th.

    Celestial longitude: 285 degree. For most of the seasonal information please read this article