Main energy: Young fire
Guest energy: Tree wind
The temperature will rise very quickly,
warm wind brings the blossom. Occasionally there will be “reversed spring cold”
and it will not affect our outdoor activities. Symptoms may include dark and
painful urine, dry and red eyes that are also sensitive to light. These are signs
of uprising internal fire.
Solution: similar to last section, keep the
internal energy cool.
Suggested taste (flavor): spicy, sour,
Third section (5/21 – 7/23) “三之氣天政布,大火行,庶類蕃鮮,寒氣時至。民病氣厥心痛,寒熱更作,咳喘目赤。”
Main energy: Old fire
Guest energy: young fire
Two fire energy added to the young fire
energy from the first half of the year, this will be an extra hot section. But like
everything else, when heat reaches its extreme cold will come back, so heavy
storm will show and some cold energy will return. Symptoms include difficulty
of breathing, cold hands and feet, chest pain and even heart pain. Some may
show symptoms similar to malaria (feeling cold and hot back and forth while being
sick), coughing and red eyes. Three fire energy combination is rare, this
extreme heat will harm the heart system.
Solution: Protecting the heart system (both
physical and metaphysical) is the key. Keep your mind and mood stable and mild
is as important as keep your actual physical heart healthy. Many Chinese herbal
prescriptions are designed for this kind of condition but without access to
them, keep medication for emergency heart condition handy.
Suggested taste (flavor): salty, sweet,
Fourth section (7/23-9/23) “ 四之氣溽暑至,大雨時行,寒熱互至。民病寒熱,嗌幹、黃癉、鼽衄、飲發。”
Main energy: Earth damp
Guest energy: Earth damp
After three fire, now we will have three
damp (combined with the year’s excessive damp energy), and this is the section
when the main energy force will show. There may be flood and mudslide. Symptoms
include heatstroke (hyperthermia), dry throat, aurigo (icterus) and nose bleed.
Solution: lower the dampness level inside
and outside the body. Use a dehumidifier, eat lite, less soupy food, and avoid
being too full.
Suggested taste (flavor): sweet, bitter.
Fifth section (9/23 – 11/22) “五之氣畏火臨,暑反至,陽乃化,萬物乃生,乃長榮,民乃康。其病溫。”
Main energy: Metal dry
Guest energy: Old fire
The second half of the year is also ruled
by Metal dry energy, so we can guess that this section will be dry and hot. So
the symptoms will also be dry-heat related, such as fever, dry cough, and dry
hard skin.
Solution: Eat seasonal fruits, drink some
oolong tea or/and chrysanthemum tea.
Suggested taste (flavor): salty sweet, sour.
Sixth section (11/22/2014 – 1/20/2015) “終之氣燥令行,餘火內格,腫於上,咳喘,甚則血溢。寒氣數舉,則霿霧翳, 病生皮腠,內舍於脅,下連少腹而作寒中,地將易也。”
Main energy: Water cold
Guest energy: Metal dry
Again, with the Metal dry energy in the
second half of the year, this will be a dry winter. Symptoms include internal
heat, foggy vision, cold belly, asthma, cough and pant, and even hemoptysis
(coughing blood).
Solution: Eat less or no dry and hot food
include any deep fried, grilled and barbecued food.
Suggested taste (flavor): sour, spicy,