Saturday, February 18, 2012

February 19th, 2012. "rain water, the 2nd small Spring season arrives

      In 2012, the season of "Rain water" arrives on February 19th, same as last year. Celestial longitude: 330 degree. For some of the seasonal information please read this article from last year.
      Here are some additional information:

      As its name tells us, this is a very damp season with strong harmful wet energy. The wet energy harms the spleen and stomach system the most. Plus when liver energy gets strong with the spring seasons energy, it will weaken the spleen-stomach system as well. In other words, this is a small season when we also need to nourish the spleen-stomach system, besides liver and lungs. Some food remedies include beef tripe, sweet potato, sticky rice, cherry, white bean, oat, squash, chestnut and dates. Also one food remedy I mentioned in the past is the Barley red bean soup. This remains as one of the most effective remedy for strengthening the spleen and removing excessive body fluid.

      Here are some tips to prevent from getting the common cold in this season: 

  1. Start to do more proper physical exercises. I know that I have been holding everyone back from exercise during past seasons. But now I will do the opposite, it’s time. 
  2. Follow the energy of the spring and keep a positive and optimistic mood. A worrier often has weak spleen-stomach energy as excessive worrying harms it. 
  3. Eat right for your spleen-stomach as we mentioned earlier. 
  4. Do not take off your thick clothes too soon. Wear loose, soft and warm materials. 
  5. Open your windows when the day is nice to allow the sunlight in and exchange the air. 
      Regarding tip #4 above, this is a unique traditional Chinese health theory. In general we believe that we should adjust our clothes according to the weather at the moment. This is correct too, and sometime very important. But in a bigger picture, we need to not only see what is happening "now", but also what is going to happen "next". In early spring time, there are basically two other kinds of energy appears beside the spring warmth itself:

  1. Cold air returning. Cold weather is no stranger during early spring, sometimes even mid or later spring. Therefore to keep the thick clothes on will protect your body from being surprised and harmed by the unexpected cold air. As spring is also a wind season, without good protection the wind will “open” our protective energy easy and other harmful factors will then follow right after. 
  2. Summer heat coming. After the spring warmth we will be facing the summer hear. In order to adjust the body to that, we want to keep it warm and warm-er so our skin starts to open in order to release the extra heat inside. When real summer heat arrives, our body will be ready for that already. But if you leave your body cool during the spring time, the skin will stay closed instead. When the summer heat arrives it will be a big surprise to the body. 
      After looking at both situations, it’s clear that to keep the thick clothes on makes a lot sense for health purposes in the spring.

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