Saturday, October 2, 2010

For your pericardium, watch this Surreal Chinese student known as the "P.E. Emperor"

Sometimes I guess we need a good laugh even in the sad Fall season. That made me decide to link this video my friend gave me.

And by the way, for health purposes, the time period of the day when people really need to and should be happy is from 7pm-9pm, when the pericardium meridian is in charge.
The pericardium meridian is pretty much the Thymus or Thymus Gland in west medicine term, which is essential for immune system, and should be very well taken care of.  According to some western anatomic book, fetus has a large "golden thymus". And we know that during the entire growth of a human being, the fastest growing time is before born. A fetus completes a "billion-year long evolution process" in just 10 months. And what makes that happen? How we see it is because of the perfect energy flow in meridians. And what makes  that happen? The answer is, "happiness".  And what this means to us?  It means, life needs to be "happy", happiness makes the meridians perfect. On the other hand, unhappiness clogs the meridians and bring you health problems. 

So watch the video during the pericardium time if possible, or re-watch it during that time. And let's re-grow our "golden Thymus" again.

So here is this guy from unknown school, doing his Tai Chi Michale Jackson Super Chinese Martial Arts Hero type of move. Trust me, it's worth your 6 minutes.

After being shocked by the guy above, another "P.E. Emperor" is discovered, this one is a 11th grade named Xu Xin from Yun Nan province (south west area). Notice the students around him will always move away and give him enough room to perform. 
His move is different from the one above. enjoy:

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